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Soho Kazuko

CV: Near | Owner: PhoenixSnow (Current Owner), Near (Former Owner)


Soho Kazuko is an UTAU that's created on October 9th, 2021.

She is Cisgender Female, and uses She/Her pronouns.

Soho has a dark brown Afro, and she wears a daisy hair clip, a light pink hoodie with transparent sleeves, hot pink short sleeved shirt, Hot Pink Skirt, Light and Hot pink long socks, link pink tennis shoes and a fluffy heart bag.

Soho is the member of Pink Bubblegum Club.

Art by Allen Void

UTAU Voice banks

1-pitch Core Voice bank

- Recorded in 2016
- Expressions: Core
- Compatibility: VCV
- Language: Japanese


More Info can be found in Soho's Wiki Page:

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