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Kitsu Awadatsu

CV: PhoenixSnow | Owner: PhoenixSnow


Kitsu is an UTAU that's created on January 3rd, 2023.

His Gender is up to your interpretation, and they use He/She/They pronouns.

She appearance takes on a Kitsune Yokai with Dark Red Hair wearing a light pink shirt, Red and hot pink jacket, and pink pants.

Kitsu's backstory involves how they died.

Art by PhoenixSnow

UTAU Voice banks

3-pitch Core Voice bank

- Recorded in 2023
- Expression: Core
- Compatibility: CV
- Language: Japanese



1-pitch Core Voice bank

- Recorded in 2023
- Expression: Core
- Compatibility: CV
- Language: Japanese


More Info can be found in Kitsu's Wiki Page:

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