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Sai Masu

CV: Near | Owner: Near & PhoenixSnow

Sai is an UTAU that's created on July 23rd, 2013.

She is a Demigirl, and uses She/Her pronouns.

Sai has pink hair and she wears a red head wrap, black sleeveless shirt with a red yin and yang necklace, gray jacket wrapped around her waist, camouflage pants, white socks and white tennis shoes.

Sai's one of Near's first UTAUs
, than later in            2023, she was revived by Them &
who found their voicebank.

Art by Allen Void

UTAU Voice banks

1-pitch Core Voice bank
Created with RVC AI

- Expressions: Core
- Compatibility: VCV
- Language: Japanese


-ACT 2-

1-pitch Core Voice bank

- Recorded in 2014
- Expressions: Core
- Compatibility: CV
- Language: Japanese


More Info can be found in Sai's Wiki Page:

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