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Shojo Rosas

CV: PhoenixSnow | Owner: PhoenixSnow


Shojo Rosas is an UTAU that's created around October in 2019.

She is Cisgender Female, and uses She/Her pronouns.

Shojo has pink hair, and she wears an flower hairclip, orange cardigan, salmon short sleeved shirt, white skirt with orange flowers, salmon socks with pink frills and orange slip on shoes.

Shojo is one of the members of Pink Bubblegum Club.

Art by Saffyon

UTAU Voice banks

3-pitch Multiexpression Voice bank

- Recorded in 2023
- Expressions: Core, Whisper, Power, Falsetto
- Compatibility: CV-VV, CVVC
- Language: Japanese


More Info can be found in Shojo's Wiki Page:

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