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Makne S.A.N.A

CV: PhoenixSnow | Owner: PhoenixSnow

Art by Allen Void

Makne S.A.N.A is an UTAU that's created around December in 2022.

She is Agender, and uses She/They pronouns.

S.A.N.A has pastel yellow hair, and she wears a long black sleeveless cardigan, white sleeveless mid-rip, white arm warmers, a wave form on her belly, white pants and white pants.

S.A.N.A is based on The Macne Series of singers that got converted into UTAUs from Garageband.

UTAU Voice banks

3-pitch Core Voice bank

- Recorded in 2022
- Expressions: Core
- Compatibility: Lite VCV
- Language: Japanese


More Info can found in S.A.N.A's Wiki Page:

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