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Daisy Adlawan

CV: Ashlyn Wallace | Owner: PhoenixSnow

Daisy Adlwan is an UTAU that's created on September 29th, 2022.

She is Cisgender Female, and uses She/Her pronouns.

Daisy has red hair with pink ends, and she wears a pink cardigan, yellow short sleeved shirt with a butterfly with blue wings, white belt with a yellow buckle, pink skirt, purple thigh high socks and white high heels.

Daisy is the leader of Pink Bubblegum Club.

Art by Ashlyn Wallace

UTAU Voice banks

1-pitch Core Voice bank

- Recorded in 2022
- Expressions: Core
- Compatibility: CV
- Language: Japanese


More Info can be found in Daisy's Wiki Page:

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